6th Sense Consortium

The 6th Sense consortium comprises leading members of large EU initiatives (5G-PPP), the coordinator of the first EU 6G initiative (Hexa-X), and industry leaders (e.g., Nokia, Telefonica, Bosch, Ford). 6thSense tackles the interdisciplinary nature of JCAS through a diverse and complementary group of experts in theoretical and experimental aspects of computer science, communication, and radar systems. Furthermore, the presence of academic and industry leaders (NI, IMDEA, TUDa, KUL, TUDelft) in software-defined radio (SDR)-based prototyping, open-source testbed design, and experimental analysis of 5G and beyond systems creates the essential training eco-system for JCAS, where the existing expertise and large testbed facilities of the consortium members satisfy the experimental nature of the topic and the lack of commercial prototypes. These facilities are key to transferring our innovative solutions in 6thSense from theory to practice, and to account for the intricate cross-system dependencies that can only be observed and evaluated using real-world implementations. 


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