DC4: Architecture and algorithm design for large-scale privacy-preserving JCAS

Task: Architecture and algorithm design for large-scale privacy-preserving JCAS (WP2)

Host institution: Nokia-FI

Country: Finland

Supervisors: Dr. M. Uusitalo [Nokia-FI]

Co-supervisors/mentors:  Dr. A. Asadi [TU Darmstadt], Dr. T. Abrudan [Nokia-FI]

Objectives: To develop algorithms for distributed sensing and fusion relying on MAC layer coordination of multiple base stations; To propose solutions to minimise the impact of sensing on the communication capacity of the network. To improve the privacy-preserving functionalities in the 5G standard to avoid adversarial use of the JCAS capabilities.

Expected Results: JCAS algorithms involving multiple base stations that preserve privacy and minimise the impact of sensing on communication.

PhD enrolment: Doctoral School of TU Darmstadt

Planned secondments:

  • TUDa (5 months, M12-M16): Privacy-by-design solutions for JCAS-enabled network, with M. Hollick (KPI: joint conference paper)

  • KU Leuven (4 months, M24-M27): Network coordination for distributed cell-free JCAS, with S. Pollin (KPI: joint journal paper)

Candidate profile: Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Computer Science or equivalent disciplines

Desirable skills/interests: Multi-channel/array signal processing, estimation and detection theory, wireless communications, mathematical modeling and analysis, optimisation. In addition, the applicant should be proficient at programming in Matlab or Python (preferably in both).