DC6: Non-coherent distributed-MIMO for JCAS
Task: Non-coherent distributed-MIMO for JCAS (WP2)
Host institution: KU Leuven
Country: Belgium
Supervisors: Prof. S. Pollin [KU Leuven]
Co-supervisors/mentors: Dr. Hazem Sallouha [KU Leuven], Dr. Pieter Crombez [Televic]
Objectives: To develop synchronisation algorithms for maximal combining of the transmit/receive signals from various devices, enabling cooperative processing in non-coherent systems; To develop algorithms to maximise the sensing accuracy by optimising the allocation the set of antennas; To implement and evaluate the proposed solutions in the distributed KUL cell-free testbed (Obj4).
Expected Results: Synchronisation methods for cooperative processing in non-coherent systems; Algorithms for improving sensing accuracy in distributed MIMO systems; Successfully implementation of the proposed solution in KUL Massive-MIMO testbed.
PhD enrolment: Arenberg Doctoral School of KU Leuven
Planned secondments:
UCLA (5 months, M10-M14): Design of the synchronisation algorithms, with D. Cabric (KPI: joint conference paper)
Televic (3 months, M20-M22): Precise synchronisation for wireless IoT ecosystems, with P. Crombez (KPI: joint conference paper)
Candidate profile: Electrical Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, Engineering Physics, Engineering Mathematics
Desirable skills, interests and background: Wireless communication and signal processing, wireless networking and protocols, mathematical modelling and analysis, algorithm design, estimation theory, embedded hardware.